van Belle, J., & Jacobs, A. (2021). Towards an XAI alignment workshop: a practice-oriented, multi-stakeholder approach for human-centred AI explanations. In Proceedings of the Digital Living Lab Days Conference 2021: Change the future together: Co-creating impact for more inclusive, sustainable & healthier cities and communities (pp. 260-267). Brussels: European Network of Living Labs.

van Belle, J., van Dijk, J., & Eggink, W. (2019). Towards a Tangible Philosophy through Design: Exploring the question of being-in-the-world in the digital age. Paper presented at Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference 2019, London, United Kingdom.
van Belle, J., Giesberts, R. B., & Eggink, W. (2018). The Use of Philosophical Theories in Design: A Research-Through-Design Case of Treatment Compliance. In C. Storni, K. Leahy, M. McMahon, P. Lloyd, & E. Bohemia (Eds.), Proceedings of the Biannual Design Research Society Conference (DRS): Catalyst (pp. 218-228). Design Research Society.

van Belle, J., Dorrestijn, S., & Eggink, W. (2018). Design for People & Society: Turning the Product Impact Tool into a Design Tool. Paper presented at International Conference on Human-Technology Relations, Enschede, Netherlands.